With an abundance of news and resources to report on the coronavirus, BioUtah has endeavored to highlight those developments of particular interest to our life sciences community. BioUtah is here to help connect you to the resources and guidance you need as we work together to respond to COVID-19, and keep our employees and communities safe. For questions or input please contact Kelvyn Cullimore at Kelvyn@Bioutah.org.
Most Recent News
U.S. Senator Mike Lee (R-UT) on July 16 toured Stryker’s Neurovascular Division with division President, Mark Paul, joined by BioUtah President and CEO, Kelvyn Cullimore and members of the Senator’s staff. During the tour, Lee learned about the innovative, best-in-class technologies manufactured at the Salt Lake City facility to treat stroke patients. Stroke is the […]
Governor Herbert yesterday announced that teachers would move up to the front of the line for the COVID-19 vaccine. In addition to teachers, the first phase of vaccinations in Utah will focus on healthcare workers, as well as residents and staff of long-term care facilities. Last week, BioUtah sent a letter to the Utah Department […]
The Milken Institute 2020 State Technology and Science Index ranks Utah #6 in the nation for its knowledge economy and capacity for innovation – same ranking as last year. The index, published annually, compares each state’s capacity for achieving prosperity through scientific discovery and technological innovation, by analyzing their performance on a number of key […]
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