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Utah Life Sciences News & Events

Corporate Policy and Infectious Disease Response Plan

March 25, 2020

  1. Develop an overriding policy for how the company will respond to a COVID-19 outbreak and impacts. Helpful resources:
  2. Implement a plan of action for counseling employees who are concerned they may have been exposed to the virus.
    • Identify an HR point of contact
    • Where to send them to get tested (https://coronavirus.utah.gov.)
    • Policy for self-quarantine
    • Tracing of exposure to others
  3. Clarify PTO and sick leave policies to encourage employees who are not well to stay home. Paid sick leave should be adjusted to accommodate the response to COVID-19.
  4. Understand that employees may be affected by school closures that will impact child care needs and employee availability.
  5. Plan for business disruptions
    • Cross Train employees
    • Identify critical functions to maintain operations.
    • Examine supply chain vulnerabilities.
  6. Establish a process to communicate information to employees on the company response plan
  7. Coordination with state and local health officials is strongly suggested to ensure appropriate and timely actions and responses.