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Utah Life Sciences News & Events

BioHive Women in STEM Event recap

September 29, 2022

BioHive continued its celebration of “STEM September” with the Women in STEM Mingle in downtown Salt Lake City on Tuesday night. Over 65 life science professionals were in attendance to connect with the industry and support the efforts of BioHive. 

As a collective, event attendees assembled and packed over 475 Math Learning Kits for Granite School District students and families in partnership with United Way.

The evening’s speakers included a local all-girls robotics team, the Traffic Cone Pigeon Girls and local STEM Activist, Quinn Konnick. 

To conclude the evening, everyone in attendance wrote an “I AM STEM” themed note to reflect on how STEM has impacted their lives. These notes will be given to the Utah STEM Action Center and eventually distributed to students around the state to encourage participation in STEM.

Thank you to everyone who joined to celebrate and give back to the BioHive community! We’re looking forward to seeing everyone again at the BioHive Summit on November 10th.