Recent Reports on Utah's Life Sciences Industry
Reports listed in reverse chronological order (i.e. newest first).
March 2025
January 2025
November 2024
October 2024
Life sciences and health care innovation plays a vital role in Salt Lake County’s economy, supporting employment, generating earnings, and boosting GDP. Companies in this sector focus on advancing medical treatments, personalized medicine, and health care delivery systems to address health challenges and improve patient outcomes.
September 2024
March 2024
November 2023
November 2023
September 2023
July 2023
June 2023
March 2023
March 2023
November 2022
October 2022
October 2022
September 2022
March 2022
March 2022
Each year, researchers supported by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) are responsible for groundbreaking discoveries and innovations that change the trajectory of disease treatment in the United States and around the world. Even before discoveries are made, however, those same NIH research grants are fueling America’s economy by fueling economic activity and job creation […]
February 2022
November 2021
On behalf of BioUtah and Biohive, we welcome you to the Biohive Summit. This is the 12th year we have gathered the Utah life sciences industry. For the past eleven years you have known the event as the Utah Life Sciences Summit. At our Summit last year
we launched our Biohive initiative, an effort to brand, build and bring the industry together. Consistent with that branding effort we have changed the name of the Utah Life Sciences Summit to the Biohive Summit. No other event better symbolizes our desire
to brand, build and bring the industry together.
September 2021
Welcome to BioUtah’s 2021 Utah Life Sciences Magazine. You’ll notice that our annual publication has a new name, Biosphere. The new name complements this year’s theme, “The Rise of the BioHive” and reflects a new phase of opportunity, growth and visibility for Utah’s vibrant life sciences industry. Biosphere will help carry that message.
We often joke that Utah’s life sciences sector – one of the fastest growing in the nation – flies beneath the radar. But that’s changing with BioHive— a bold new initiative, driven by BioUtah, to tell the story of the state’s life sciences industry and raise its profile on the local, national and global stage.
August 2021
August 2021
August 2021
July 2021
July 2021
June 2021
May 2021
March 2021
February 2021
February 2021
February 2021
On behalf of BioUtah and the University of Utah’s Partners for Innovation, Venture, Outreach and Technology (PIVOT) Center, we welcome you to the 6th annual Entrepreneur & Investor Summit. This conference was originally established to highlight Utah’ life sciences companies and to bring together companies seeking investment and investors seeking to invest. We also feature programming designed to help foster the entrepreneurial spirit and educate on practical applications of business development.
January 2021
January 2021
2020 has seen the rapid progression of the COVID-19 global pandemic caused by the spread of the novel coronavirus SARS-CoV-2.1. While this global health emergency is alarming and tragic, a strong public health response, combined with smart science and innovative solutions, will enable us to win the fight.
December 2020
December 2020
December 2020
November 2020
The program from the 2020 Utah Life Sciences Summit held November 2020. The Summit featured panels on early stage investing, political landscape after the election, and the state of innovation in Utah. Expert presenters on Inclusion and Diversity, employment law related to COVID-19 and the state of the industry are also scheduled to speak.
October 2020
This year’s theme, Taking on COVID-19, highlights the exceptional efforts of Utah’s life sciences industry to combat the virus, protect public health, and mitigate damage to the economy.
Our cover story on BioFire Diagnostics takes an in-depth look at how this Utah company has revolutionized infectious disease diagnostics and is now using their technology to respond to the pandemic. Inside, you’ll also see how other life sciences companies in the state are making a difference – from testing supplies and diagnostics, to therapeutics and PPE – they’ve
stepped up.
May 2020
April 2020
February 2020
BioUtah and the Center for Technology & Venture Commercialization at the University of Utah (TVC), produced the fifth annual Entrepreneur & Investor Life Science Summit. This conference was originally established to highlight Utah’s life sciences companies, and to bring together companies seeking investment and investors seeking to invest.
November 2019
On behalf of BioUtah, I welcome you to the 10th annual Utah Life Sciences Summit! Job growth in Utah’s life sciences industry has, on average, increased faster than in any other state in the country since 2012. That growth is reflected in the increasing interest in this Summit by attendees, presenters and sponsors.
We have a broad, distinguished lineup of speakers and panels designed to help life sciences companies address current challenges within our industry, understand the regulatory environment in which we operate, and policy trends that could impact our future. We are fortunate to have Dr. Jeff Shuren, Director of the Center for Devices and Radiological Health, U.S. Food and Drug Administration, participate by live video feed. We are also privileged to have Rich McKeown, co-founder/chair of Leavitt Partners, and former chief of staff at the Department of Health and Human Services under Secretary Mike Leavitt as our luncheon keynote speaker.
October 2019
October 2019
October 2019
Welcome to the second annual BioUtah Life Sciences Magazine. This year’s theme — This is the Place – For Life Sciences — says it all. Consistently ranked among the top states for business, Utah boasts one of the fastest growing life sciences industries in the nation. The industry, which includes medical device manufacturing, diagnostics, biotechnology and biopharmaceuticals, is also among the fastest growing economic sectors in the state.
March 2019
On behalf of BioUtah and the Technology and Venture Commercialization office of the University of Utah (TVC), we welcome you to the 4th annual Entrepreneur & Investor Summit. This conference was originally established to highlight Utah’s life sciences companies and to bring together companies seeking investment and investors seeking to invest. We also feature programming designed to help foster the entrepreneurial spirit and educate on practical applications of business development.
October 2018
August 2018
April 2018
March 2018
On behalf of BioUtah and the Technology and Venture Commercialization office of the University of Utah (TVC), we welcome you to the 3rd annual Entrepreneur & Investor Summit. This conference was originally established to highlight Utah’ life sciences companies and to bring together companies seeking investment and investors seeking to invest. We also feature programming designed to help foster the entrepreneurial spirit and educate on practical applications of business development.
This report highlights the imperative for optimizing three health care innovation ecosystem elements— infrastructure, incentives and culture—to advance impactful health care innovation in the state of Utah. In addition to alignment of essential ecosystem elements, key measures have been identified that can be tracked to create a clear path to impact on reducing costs, improving […]
Cities drive economic growth nationwide. They are the primary locations where businesses create new jobs and workers earn higher wages, keeping the United States competitive in the global economy. However, metro areas are also incredibly diverse. Each has unique characteristics generated through a combination of investment and policy choices that influence the community’s economic outcomes. […]
The purpose of this report is to provide a comprehensive update to medical technology industry statistics in order to quantify its impact on the U.S. economy. By leveraging data from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, the U.S. Census Bureau, and the U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis, the following tables and figures yield a complete […]