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Utah Life Sciences News & Events

Mountain Pacific Announces New Funding Opportunities

September 2, 2021

Ron Heffernan, Managing Partner at Mountain Pacific Partners recently announced the launch of Mountain Pacific’s newest funds:

  • Fund NOW – $100 million fund focused on ensuring health security through reshoring of critical healthcare product manufacturing and reverse technology transfer
  • Fund NEXT – $25 million innovation fund focused on transforming healthcare delivery through breakthrough technology and medical devices

These funds were made possible by bringing together a dream team of partners from Florida, Utah and Ohio to usher in the next stage of Mountain Pacific’s evolution. Hefferman also annouced their new managing partners, Akhil Agrawal and Sukrit Agrawal, and also introduced their new operating partners and advisors: Jeff Hastings, Jason “Doc” Radick, MD, Troy Vellinga, Brian Buchheit, Lou Lombardo and Director Greg Burel.


For more information, please visit www.mountainpacificfund.com