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Utah Life Sciences News & Events

Randy Rasmussen

February 2, 2019

Dr. Rasmussen co-founded BioFire Diagnostics (then Idaho Technology) in 1990. He served as Chief Operating Officer from 1999 to 2008 and President from 2008 to 2014. Dr. Rasmussen became Chief Executive Officer of BioFire Diagnostics after the acquisition of BioFire by BioMérieux in January of 2014. Dr. Rasmussen was previously with ARUP Laboratories as Medical Director from 1996 to 1999. He also held positions at the University of Utah Cardiology Department and Cardiovascular Pharmacology and Engineering Consultants. Dr. Rasmussen is an inventor on over 20 patents in the fields of real-time PCR, sample-to-answer molecular diagnostics and syndromic testing for infectious diseases. Dr. Rasmussen has a Ph.D. in Biology from the University of Utah and a B.S in Biochemistry from Utah State University.