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ARUP’s Investment Will Help Boost Development of Techcyte’s AI-Enabled Diagnostics Platform

August 31, 2021

ARUP Laboratories recently announced an investment in Techcyte Inc. as part of the Orem, Utah-based company’s new $21 million funding round.

The investment will enable Techcyte to expand the development team for its digital diagnostics platform, which uses artificial intelligence (AI)-based workflows and integration with whole-slide scanners and laboratory information systems to help improve the efficiency and speed of diagnosis.

“ARUP’s partnership with Techcyte already has proven to be beneficial for both companies,” ARUP CEO Andy Theurer said. “We look forward to further collaboration to advance the practice of laboratory medicine, further improve the quality of our testing, and realize significant efficiency gains that will ultimately benefit the patient.”

Two years ago, ARUP and Techcyte collaborated to produce the world’s first AI-augmented ova and parasite detection tool for use in ARUP’s Parasitology Lab. The technology enables laboratorians to quickly screen out negative results so they can spend more time analyzing slides that show positive results.

More recently, ARUP and the University of Utah have collaborated with Techcyte to develop NanoSpot.AI, an easy-to-administer SARS-CoV-2 antibody test. The test involves a finger prick to produce droplets of blood that are placed on a card included in the test kit. The person administering the test then uses a mobile phone to take a photograph of the card, which is transmitted to Techcyte for analysis using Techcyte’s AI-based workflow. The person being tested receives a result in five minutes or less.

ARUP, the U, and Techcyte currently are seeking a manufacturing and distribution partner for NanoSpot.AI.

“We see numerous other potential applications of Techcyte’s technology as ARUP continues to adopt digital pathology solutions to help improve our workflows,” Theurer said.

Zoetis, a New Jersey-based animal health company, was the lead investor in Techcyte’s $21 million funding round. It has partnered with Techcyte to create an AI-based tool to help diagnose the presence of parasites in companion animals.

“This round allows us to accelerate development of our digital, AI-based clinical pathology platform with great partners like ARUP, “ Techcyte CEO Ben Cahoon said. “ARUP’s reputation, expertise, and collaboration have been critical to our success. Together with ARUP, we look forward to making a significant impact on human diagnostics.”

About ARUP Laboratories

Founded in 1984, ARUP Laboratories is a national reference laboratory and a nonprofit enterprise of the University of Utah and its Department of Pathology. ARUP offers more than 3,000 tests and test combinations, ranging from routine screening tests to esoteric molecular and genetic assays. ARUP serves clients across the United States, including many of the nation’s top university teaching hospitals and children’s hospitals, as well as multihospital groups, major commercial laboratories, group purchasing organizations, military and other government facilities, and major clinics. In addition, ARUP is a worldwide leader in innovative laboratory research and development, led by the efforts of the ARUP Institute for Clinical and Experimental Pathology®. ARUP is ISO 15189 CAP accredited.

Media Contact

Lisa Carricaburu, 801-583-2787 ext. 3842, lisa.carricaburu@aruplab.com