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A former legislator and a biotech executive join Tribune’s board of directors

June 6, 2024

A biotech executive and a former legislator, journalist and nonprofit leader and are the two newest members of The Salt Lake Tribune board of directors.

Chris Gibson, CEO of Recursion, and former Utah legislator Rebecca Chavez-Houck are joining the board this month, and will help steer the nonprofit news organization’s mission and financial success.

“I’m really excited,” Gibson said.

The Tribune was the first major metro to become a nonprofit in 2019 and named its first board of directors in 2020. Tom Love, founding partner and president of Love Communications, chairs the board.

“I love the direction [The Tribune] has been going in with its solution-oriented journalism focus — not just thinking about ‘how do we report?’ or ‘how do we communicate?’ or ‘how do we engage with the public?,’ but to do it to an end that meets the needs of everyone the best we can,” Chavez-Houck said. “So, I’m really excited about that, because I’ve been thinking about these issues in the context of the nonprofit world.”